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ascimech inermis
السماك الأعزل al-simāk al-aʿzal
n. + adj. smk ʿzl – the unarmed Simāk, Spica, Azimech (star name: α Virginis) (astr.) show/hide quotes-
Ptol. Almag. no. 365, Baily 510: Que est super palmam sinistram et dicitur spica et est ascimech inermis
Ptol. Almag. no. 375, Baily 526: Antecedens trium que sunt quasi super lineam rectam sub ascimech inermi
Kuni.: المقدم من الثلاثة التى كأنها على خط مستقيم تحت السماك الأعزل
- 2 Ptol. Almag.
ascimech < Arabic. Kunitzsch 1959, 146–147, no. 66. Kunitzsch/Smart 2006, 59–60. The Latin term ascimech is not documented in MLW, DMLBS and LLNMA.