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أسفيار asfiyār
n. ʾsfyār – horseman (in star description) show/hide quotes-
Albu. Intro. JS 232, 698: Et caput albi Feithoriz, et dicitur Asmaad
Lemay 387, 433: ورأس اسب قنطورس ويقال له اسفيار
- 1 Albu. Intro. JS
< Persian aswār ‘horseman’ or < Persian asp ‘horse’ and yār ‘companion’ (for the latter see Lemay 1995, vol. III, 469; vol. VI, 567). Kunitzsch 1974, 201–202. The Latin term is not documented in MLW, DMLBS and LLNMA. Cf. abi feithoris.