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باذاورد bāḏāward
n. bāḏāwrd – (variety of) thistle (bot.) show/hide quotes-
Albuzale Simp. §11.156: Bedegar frigidum et siccum in primo. Quando bullitur et terguntur
Albuzale Simp. §15.62: Bedegar est frigidum et siccum in primo
Laba.: الباذاورد بارد يابس في الأولى
- 2 Albuzale Simp.
Dietrich 1988, no. III 13–14.
الباذاورد وهو الشوكة البيضاء al-bāḏāward wa-huwa l-šawka al-bayḍāʾ
n. + apposition bāḏāwrd šwk byḍ – (a variety of) thistle which is the white thistle (Persian loanword and its Arabic synonym) show/hide quotes-
Albuzale Simp. §2.21: Bedegar est calidum et siccum. Purgat flegma viscosum proprietate sua
Laba.: الباذاورد وهو الشوكة البيضاء حارّ يابس يسهل البلغم اللزج مشروبا al-bāḏāwardu wa-huwa l-šawkatu l-bayḍāʾu
- 1 Albuzale Simp.
< Arabic < Persian bād āward ‘brought by the wind’. Lokotsch 1927, no. 157.