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صحّ ṣaḥḥa
v. ṣḥḥ – to recover (from an illness) show/hide quotes-
Avic. An. vol. II 64, 20: Attende dispositionem infirmi cum credit se convalescere
Rahm. 199, 18: وتأمل حال المريض الذى توهم أنه قد صح
- 1 Avic. An.
كرّ karra (+ ʿalā)
v. krr – to turn against, to react against show/hide quotes-
Avic. Gen. 87, 78: vel erit quod statim cum ingreditur in corpore, operatur in corpus, deinde convalescit corpus, et operatur in illud, et convertit eum
Qass. 146, 2: أو يكون أول ما يرد يؤثر فى البدن، ثم يكر عليه البدن فيؤثر فيه، ويحيله
- 1 Avic. Gen.