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dodecatemorion (or: duodecatemorion)
اثنا عشرية iṯnā ʿašariyya
compound n. ṯny ʿšr – dodecatemorion (technical term of astrol.: twelfth part of a sign of the zodiac) show/hide quotes-
Albu. Abbr. ch. 1 §1: quarto de stellarum felicitate atque potentia, sed et infortunio et impotentia dicendum, Lune etiam imbecillitate, noticiaque duodecatemorion earum
Yama.: 〈الفصل الرابع〉 في سعادة الكواكب وقوّتها وضعفها ونحوستها وفاسد القمر ومعرفة اثني عشريّتها
Albu. Abbr. ch. 4 §32: Sciri etiam stellarum duodecatemorion convenit
- 3 Albu. Abbr.
The Arabic term is not documented in Lisān, Freytag, Lane, Dozy and Wehr.