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وإنْ wa-in
conj. w ʾn – even if, even though show/hide quotes-
Alcab. diff. V, li. 138: Introduximus quoque has partes novissimas, etsi est in eis narratio debilis
Aver. MC Int. diff. II, 40, 279: etsi non compleatur nobis scientia ipsorum et ignoremus quomodo sit res in eo
Butt. 83, 6: وإن لم تتحصل لنا معرفته وجهلنا كيف الأمر فيه
Aver. MC Int. diff. III, 90, 263: etsi non precessit possibilitas in ea actu in tempore
Butt. 116, 7: وإن لم يتقدم الإمكان فيه الفعل، بالزمان
- 1 Alcab.
- 3 Aver. MC Int.