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فنّ fann (pl. funūn)
n. fnn – part, section (of a book) show/hide quotes-
Avic. Gen. 67, 50: Et adhuc declarabimus istud in alia fen
Qass. 130, 11: وسنوضح ذلك فى فن آحر
Avic. Gen. 152, 16: expedit ut perficiamus istam fen
Qass. 199, 5: فبالحرى أن نختم هذا الفن
Avic. Qual. 86, 18: et ideo ostendimus tibi istud in transactis fen
Qass. 261, 13: وقد علمناك ذلك فى الفنون الماضية
- 2 Avic. Gen.
- 1 Avic. Qual.
Cf. Freytag.
< Arabic. Cf. DMLBS.