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folium Indicum
سادج هندي sādaǧ hindī
n. + adj. sdǧ hnd – Indian malabathrum (bot.) show/hide quotes-
Albuzale Simp. §11.69: Folium indicum est calidum et siccum in secundo gradu
Laba.: السادج الهنديّ حارّ يابس في الثانية
Albuzale Simp. §12.24: Cardamomum, cubebe, folium indicum, alia [sic, corrupt for ala ] , ista omnia sunt calida in secundo
- 2 Albuzale Simp.
< Persian sādaǧ. Dietrich 1988, no. I 9. Cf. Corriente 1997, 247. The Arabic term is not documented in Lisān, Freytag, Lane, Dozy and Wehr.