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منازع munāziʿ
nominalized act. part. nzʿ – s.o. fighting show/hide quotes-
Albu. Coni. tr. II, li. 235, version c, see fn. 66: significat multitudinem contra eum insurgentium et guerrariorum
Yama.: دلّ على كثرة الخوارج عليه والمنازعين له
- 1 Albu. Coni.
صاحب الفتن ṣāḥib al-fitan (pl. aṣḥāb)
genit. compound ṣḥb ftn – insurgent, master of schemes show/hide quotes-
Albu. Intro. JS VII.9.3c, Lemay 312, 1419: Significat magos et guerrarios et viles homines atque spados
Yama. VII.9.3c, 5: يدلّ على … السحرة و أصحاب الفتن والسفلة والخِصيان
- 1 Albu. Intro. JS
See MLW.