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مطعوم maṭʿūm
nominalized pass. part. ṭʿm – tastable, object of taste show/hide quotes-
Aver. Ep. Parv. 192va65: Et signum quod natura humidi est causa saporis in mixto est quod gustabilium quedam sunt saporosa in potentia
Aver. Ep. Parv. 193va44: Et homo … curatur per olfactibilia, sicut per gustabilia
Blum. 34, 5: والانسان … يتداوى بالمشمومات كما يتداوى بالمطعومات
- 2 Aver. Ep. Parv.
مذوق maḏūq
nominalized pass. part. ḏwq – tastable, object of taste show/hide quotes-
Aver. Ep. Parv. 192va60: Dicamus igitur quia gustabile est nutrimentum animalium
Blum. 18, 3: فنقول انه لما كان المذوق غذاء للحيوان
- 1 Aver. Ep. Parv.