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أورنس ūrnis
n. ʾwrns – Cygnus (constellation) (astr.) show/hide quotes-
Ptol. Almag. no. IX: Stellatio eurisun et est volans etiam vocatur gallina, et dicitur eurisun quasi redolens ut lilium ab ireo
Kuni.: كوكبة أورنس وهو الطائر وقد تسمى الدجاجة
- 1 s.v. eurisim Ptol. Almag.
The Arabic term is not documented in Lisān, Freytag, Lane, Dozy and Wehr.
< Arabic < Greek Ὄρνις ‘bird’. Kunitzsch 1974, no. IX. Kunitzsch/Smart 2006, 32–33. The Latin term is not documented in MLW, DMLBS and LLNMA.