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أفسنتين afsintīn
n. ʾfsntyn – wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium) (bot.) show/hide quotes-
Nico. Plan. §105: quidam calidi et acuti, ut origani, et sinapis et quidam amari, ut absinthium et centaurea
Albuzale Simp. §3.2: Absinthium est calidum in primo gradu, siccum in tercio
Albuzale Simp. §18.4: Et quando ponitur in matrice cum succo absinthii …, amplificat os matricis
Laba.: وإذا احتملته مع عصارة الافسنتين … فتح فم الرحم
- 1 Nico. Plan.
- 8 s.v. afsantīn Albuzale Simp.
< Greek ἀψίνθιον. Dietrich 1988, no. III 24. Ullmann 2002, 156. Ullmann 2006, 207.