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قردمانا qardamānā
n. qrdmānā – cardamom (bot.) show/hide quotes-
Albuzale Simp. §8.30: Cardumeni, id est carvi agreste, est calidum et siccum in secundo. Valet eius decoccio quando bibitur dolori frigido nervorum et dolori ancharum qui provenit ex flegmate
Laba.: القردمانا كراويا برّيّ حارّ يابس في الثالثة
Albuzale Simp. §11.31: Cardumeni, id est carvi agreste, est calidus et siccus in tercio. Valet epilencie et melancolie
Laba.: القردمانا حارّ يابس في الثالثة
- 2 Albuzale Simp.
< Syriac qurdemānā < Greek καρδάμωμον. Because of the similarity of the Greek terms, cardamon and caraway (karawyā < Syriac kārwāyā < Greek κάρον or καρώ) were erroneously identified by some Arabic botanists, who were criticized by others. See Dietrich 1988, no. I 5; III 55.
Cf. carvi.