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لبنة labina
n. lbn – unburnt brick, quadrangle (in star description) show/hide quotes-
Ptol. Almag. no. 4, Baily 4: Meridiana a latere antecedente laterum clunium
Kuni.: الكوكب الجنوبى من الضلع المتقدم من اللبنة al-kawkabu l-ǧanūbiyyu mina l-ḍilʿi l-mutaqaddimi mina l-labinati
- 1 Ptol. Almag.
The Arabic labina was probably misread by the Latin translator as alya ‘fat tail (of a sheep)’. Kunitzsch 1974, no. 4.
أربيّة urbīya
n. rbw – root of the thigh (anat.) (in star description) show/hide quotes-
Ptol. Almag. no. 307, Baily 435: Que est in clune sinistra gemini sequentis
Kuni. version u, see fn. 12: الذى فى الأربية اليسرى من التوءم التالى allaḏī fī l-urbīyati l-yusrā mina l-tawʾami l-tālī
- 1 Ptol. Almag.
The Arabic urbīya was probably misread as alya ‘fat tail (of a sheep)’.