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ميطيس mīṭīs (or: misṭīs)
n. myṭys – mytis (analogous part of the liver in molluscs) show/hide quotes-
Aris. Anim. II 681b20: a quibusdam hominibus dicitur bastiz
Aris. Anim. II 681b21: Et tale membrum habent animalia durae testae, et dicitur Graece bastiz
Kruk: وهو يسمى ايضا باليونانية ميطيس [var.: مسطيس] wa-huwa yusammā ayḍan bi-l-yūnāniyyati mīṭīs [var. misṭīs]
- 2 Aris. Anim. II
< Arabic < Greek μύτις. Cf. van Oppenraaij 1998, 286. The Latin term is not documented in MLW, DMLBS and LLNMA.