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كهرباء kahrabāʾ
n. khrb – amber (bot.) show/hide quotes-
Albuzale Simp. §12.17: Carabe calidum in primo, siccum in tercio.
Laba.: الكهرباء حارّ في الأولى يابس في الثانية
Albuzale Simp. §20.15: Sed medicine que auferunt sperma et desiccant sunt iste que sequuntur: Piper. Ciminum. Ruta. Omnes mirabolani. Carabe
- 3 Albuzale Simp.
Dietrich 1988, no. I 49.
< Arabic < Persian kāh-rubā (lit. ‘seizing straw’). Lokotsch 1927, no. 1004. Cf. MLW s.v. cacabre.