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خراب ḫarāb
n. ḫrb – becoming waste, ruin show/hide quotes-
Albu. Coni. tr. V, li. 973, version c, see fn. 69: significat paupertatem et necessitatem et angustiam et multos terremotus et diruptionem et hermantum accidere propter illud
Albu. Coni. tr. VI, li. 173, version c, see fn. 45: Et cum fuerit [sc. Iuppiter ] transiens super Mercurium, significat … hermantum aldearum
Yama.: وإذا كان [sc. المشتري] المارّ فوق عطارد دلّ ذلك على … خراب البادية
- 2 Albu. Coni.
The Latin term is not documented in MLW, DMLBS and LLNMA. It is probably corrupt for a term beginning with erem-, such as eremamentum.