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solem convenire
كان صميميًا kāna ṣamīmiyyan
verb. phrase kwn ṣmm – to be ‘in the heart’ (astrol.) show/hide quotes-
Albu. Abbr. ch. 2 §17: Saturnus item et Iupiter et Mars a Sole proprietates .viii. suscipiunt. Prima quando Solem eodem loco conveniunt
Albu. Abbr. ch. 2 §22: Venus autem et Mercurius .viii. a Sole proprietates habent, et est prima quando Solem conveniunt
Yama.: وأمّا الزهرة وعطارد فإنّ لهما منها ثمان حالات أوّلها أن يكونا صميميّين
- 2 s.v. eodem loco conveniunt Albu. Abbr.
This sense of the Arabic term ṣamīmī is not documented in Lisān, Freytag, Lane, Dozy and Wehr.