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أردبهست ماه ardibihist māh
compound n. ʾrdbhst māh – Ordibehesht (Persian month) show/hide quotes-
Thab. Ann. §29: in anno 201 annorum Iezdagerd in 22 die Ardibestameh in medietate noctis cuius mane est dies 23
Morel. 33, 18: وفي سنة را [201] من سني يزدجرد، في اردبهست ماه يوم كب [22] في نصف الليلة التي صباحها كج [23]
- 1 Thab. Ann.
< Arabic < Persian ardī bihišt māh. The Latin term is not documented in MLW, DMLBS and LLNMA. Cf. Adrihestimet.