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بهمن bahman
– for bahman: behen root (?) (unidentified, possibly of the species moringa) (bot.) show/hide quotes-
Albuzale Simp. §20.14: Res que sunt appropriate in crescendo sperma sunt iste: … Been album et rubeum
Laba.: فيما يختصّ من الأدوية المفردة بالزيادة في الباه: … البهمن fīmā yaḫtaṣṣu mina l-adwiyati l-mufradati bi-l-ziyādati fī l-bāhi … l-bahmanu
- 1 Albuzale Simp.
< Arabic.
Dietrich 1988, no. IV 91, fn. 9.
بهمن أبيض bahman abyaḍ
been album
– for bahman abyaḍ: white behen root (?) (unidentified) (bot.) show/hide quotes-
Albuzale Simp. §12.15: Been album calidum et siccum in secundo. Confortat cor et valet tremori cordis, et est de medicinis confortantibus cor et que valet multum
Laba.: البهمن الأبيض حارّ يابس al-bahmanu l-abyaḍu ḥārrun yābisun
- 1 Albuzale Simp.
Dietrich 1993, no. 15.
بهمن أحمر bahman aḥmar
been rubeum
– for bahman aḥmar: red behen root (?) (unidentified) (bot.) show/hide quotes-
Albuzale Simp. §12.16: Been rubeum est calidum, et est simile in virtute albo
Laba.: البهمن الأحمر مثل الأبيض al-bahmanu l-aḥmaru miṯlu l-abyaḍi
- 1 Albuzale Simp.
Dietrich 1993, no. 16.
بهمن bahamun
– for bahamun: υ⁵ Eridani (astr.) show/hide quotes-
Ptol. Almag. no. 518, Baily 800: Declivior duarum que sunt post illas que nominantur latine beemun
Kuni.: من بعد الذى يسمى بالرومية بهبن [var.: بهمن] min baʿdi llaḏī yusammā bi-l-rūmiyyati bhbn [var. bhmn ]
- 1 Ptol. Almag.
< Arabic < unidentifiable Greek star name. Kunitzsch 1990, 139, fn. 47.
بهمن ماه bahman māh
Bahmanmeth (or: Bahamanmeth)
– for bahman māh: Bahman (Persian month) show/hide quotes-
Albu. Coni. tr. VIII, li. 168: cuius mane dies vicesimus tertius de Bahmanmeth fuit
Yama.: التي صبيحتها اليوم الثالث والعشرون من بهمن ماه
Albu. Coni. tr. VIII, li. 182: diei .22. de Bahamanmeth
- 3 Albu. Coni.
< Arabic < Persian bahman māh.
– for bahman māh: Bahman (Persian month) show/hide quotes-
Thab. Ann. §26: 18 die mensis Bihemenmeh
Morel. 33, 4: في بهمن ماه يوم يح [18] fī bahman māh yawma yḫ [18]
Thab. Ann. §27: in die 19 Bihemenmeh post 2 horas diei
- 2 Thab. Ann.
< Arabic < Persian bahman māh.