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cucumer agrestis
قثّاء الحمار qiṯṯāʾ al-ḥimār
genit. compound qṯʾ ḥmr – wild cucumber, squirting cucumber (bot.) (lit. ‘donkey cucumber’) show/hide quotes-
Albuzale Simp. §6.3: sicut est … radix cucumeris agrestis bullita cum oleo dulci expresso de olivis maturis
Laba.: مثل … أصل قثاء الحمار مطبوخا في الزيت العذب
Albuzale Simp. §11.26: Cucumer agrestis est calidus et siccus in tercio
- 3 Albuzale Simp.
Dietrich 1988, no. IV 139.