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extremitates draconis (pl.)
الجوزهران al-ǧawzaharān (du. of ǧawzahar)
n. ǧwzhr – the two nodes (i.e. the ascending and descending node, Head and Tail of the Dragon, astr.) show/hide quotes-
Alhaz. Conf. 301, 10: et puncta sectionis istius circuli [sc. circulus declivis lune ] cum circulo signorum vocantur extremitates draconis
Lang. 39, 28: فأما نقطتا التقاطع لهذه الدائرة [sc. الفلك المائل للقمر] ولدائرة البروج وهما اللتان تسمّيان الجوزهران
- Alhaz. Conf.
Kunitzsch 1977, 47–48, fn. 99. The Arabic term is not documented in Lisān, Freytag, Lane, Dozy and Wehr.