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شكلي šaklī
adj. škl – shaping, shape-giving show/hide quotes-
Avic. Gen. 83, 7: eadem enim forma figuralis signata erit maior et minor
Avic. Gen. 84, 23: Forma ergo figuralis est illa quae crevit
Qass. 144, 7: وأما الصورة الشكلية فهى التى تنمى
- 3 Avic. Gen.
This sense of the Arabic term is not documented in Lisān, Freytag, Lane, Dozy and Wehr.
شكلي خلقي šaklī ḫilqī
adj. + adj. škl ḫlq – shaping and inborn show/hide quotes-
Avic. Gen. 80, 38: et haec est forma figuralis quae illam quantitatem circumdat
Qass. 141, 7: وههنا الصورة الشكلية الخلقية المحيطة بذلك المقدار
- 1 s.v. ṣūra šakliyya Avic. Gen.
This sense of the Arabic term šaklī is not documented in Lisān, Freytag, Lane, Dozy and Wehr.
شكل šakl
n. škl – shape show/hide quotes-
Avic. Gen. 84, 27: et eius motus est in forma figurali et in factione eius
Qass. 144, 9: وحركته هى فى صورة الشكل والخلقة
- 1 Avic. Gen.
فى صورة الشكل والخلقة – in forma figurali et in factione eius Avic. Gen. 144 / 84
خلقة ḫilqa
n. ḫlq – inborn disposition show/hide quotes-
Avic. Gen. 84, 29: Species ergo est quod augmentatur, quasi dicam quod est illud quod additur in sua quantitate figurali per sui materiam et per sui quantitatem
Qass. 144, 10: فالنوع هو النامى، أى هو الزائد فى مقدار خلقته بسبب مادته ومقدارها
- 1 Avic. Gen.
الزائد فى مقدار خلقته – quod additur in sua quantitate figurali Avic. Gen. 144 / 84