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أردف ardafa
– for ardafa: (+ 2 acc.) to let follow, to add to show/hide quotes-
Avic. An. vol. I 13, 64: Post haec autem omnia sequetur liber de scientia divina, deinde annectemus aliquid de scientia de moribus
Rahm. 3, 12: ثم نتلو ذلك كله بالعلم الإلهى ونردفه شيئا من علم الأخلاق
- 1 Avic. An.
ترادف tarādafa
consequenter provenire
– for tarādafa: to come successively show/hide quotes-
Avic. Met. 326, 67: sicut conclusiones, quae proveniunt ex syllogismis consequenter et non finiuntur
Marm. 220, 13: كنتائج تترادف عن القياسات ولا تتناهى
- 1 s.v. provenire consequenter Avic. Met.
ردف ridf
– for ridf: rear man (riding the same animal) (in star description) show/hide quotes-
Ptol. Almag. no. 105, Baily 163: Lucida que est in cauda et est aridf
Kuni. see versions ue, fn. 7: النير الذى فى الذنب وهو الردف
- 1 Ptol. Almag.
< Arabic al-ridf. The Latin term is not documented in MLW, DMLBS and LLNMA.
مترادف mutarādif
– for mutarādif: synonymous show/hide quotes-
Avic. Met. 362, 72: et quod unitas et identitas sunt comitantia vel consequentia
Marm. 246, 2: وأن الوحدة والهوية متلازمتان أو مترادفتان
- 1 Avic. Met.