List of Abbreviations
- abl.
- ablative
- acc.
- accusative
- act.
- active
- ad loc.
- ad locum
- add.
- adds
- adj.
- adjective, adjectival
- adv.
- adverb, adverbial
- anat.
- anatomy
- app.
- appendix, apparatus
- astr.
- astronomy and astrology
- astrol.
- astrology, astrological
- astron.
- astronomy, astronomical
- biol.
- biology
- bot.
- botany
- cf.
- compare
- ch.
- chapter
- chem.
- chemistry
- coll.
- collective
- conj.
- conjunction, conjunctional
- constr. state
- construct state
- contr.
- contrary
- corr.
- correct
- diff.
- differentia
- du.
- dual
- e.g.
- for example
- ed.
- editor
- elat.
- elative
- epil.
- epilogue
- esp.
- especially
- f.
- following
- fem.
- feminine
- fig.
- figuratively
- fn.
- footnote, note
- genit.
- genitive
- geogr.
- geography
- geom.
- geometry
- gram.
- grammar
- i.e.
- id est
- imperf.
- imperfect
- impers.
- impersonal
- impr.
- improper
- in marg.
- in margine
- indecl.
- indeclinable
- indef.
- indefinite
- instr.
- instrument
- intr.
- intransitive
- jur.
- juridical
- li.
- line
- lit.
- literally
- log.
- logic
- masc.
- masculine
- math.
- mathematics
- med.
- medicine
- meteor.
- meteorology
- min.
- mineralogy
- ms., mss
- manuscript(s)
- mus.
- music
- n.
- noun
- n. gen.
- nomen generis
- n. un.
- nomen unitatis
- neg.
- negation, negative
- no.
- number
- nom.
- nominal
- num.
- numeral (used for Arabic nouns and adjectives alike)
- o.s.
- oneself
- om.
- omits
- opt.
- optics
- part.
- participle
- pass.
- passive
- perf.
- perfect
- pers.
- personal
- philos.
- philosophy
- phon.
- phonetics
- phys.
- physics
- pl.
- plural
- poet.
- poetics
- prep.
- preposition, prepositional
- prol.
- prologue
- pron.
- pronoun, pronominal
- psych.
- psychology
- ref.
- reference
- rel.
- relative
- relig.
- religion
- s.o.
- someone
- something
- s.v.
- sub voce
- sc.
- scilicet
- sg.
- singular
- subord.
- subordinate
- temp.
- temporal
- theol.
- theology
- tr.
- tractatus
- trans.
- transitive
- transl.
- translator
- v.
- verb
- var.
- variant
- verb.
- verbal
- vol.
- volume
- zool.
- zoology