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دوشيزة dūšīza
n. dwšyz – ‘dūšīza’, virgin (Persian name of the constellation Virgo) show/hide quotes-
Albu. Intro. JS 224, 431: Et ascendit in prima facie illius Puella quam vocamus Celchius Darosthal
Lemay 380, 264: ويطلع في الوجه الأوَّل منها جارية يُسمَّيها تينكلوس دوستيه [var.: دوشيزه]
- 1 Albu. Intro. JS
Lemay 1995, vol. III, 446–447. The Arabic term is not documented in Lisān, Freytag, Lane, Dozy and Wehr.
< Arabic < Persian dōšīzah. EIr s.v. ‘constellations’. The Latin term is not documented in MLW, DMLBS and LLNMA.