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acelhafe (or: acelhafeu)
السلحفاة al-sulaḥfāt
n. slḥf – the turtle (in star descriptions and as the name of the constellation Lyra) (astr.) show/hide quotes-
Albu. Intro. JS 222, 373: Et putaverunt Indi quod ascendat in hac facie Vir cuius pes assimilatur pedi Acelhafe
Lemay 379, 226: وزعمت الهند أنَّه يطلع في هذا الوجه رجل يشبه قدمه قدم السُلَحفاة
Albu. Intro. JS 231, 659: ascendit in hac facie … perfectio corporis Allauzeuah que est Acelhafeu
- 2 Albu. Intro. JS
< Arabic. Kunitzsch/Smart 2006, 33; 44. The Latin term is not documented in MLW, DMLBS and LLNMA.