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مخنّث muḫannaṯ
nominalized pass. part. ḫnṯ – effeminate man, transvestite show/hide quotes-
Albu. Intro. JS 171, 1286: Propter hanc causam fortassis significaverit pro masculinitate spados et effeminatos
Lemay 270, 693: فلهذه العلَّة رُبَّما دلّ في معنى التذكير على الخِصيان والمُخَنَّثين
- 1 Albu. Intro. JS
مؤنّث muʾannaṯ
pass. part. ʾnṯ – feminine, effeminate show/hide quotes-
Aris. Anim. III 747a1: quoniam quaedam mulieres sunt viragines et quidam viri sunt effeminati
Brug.: لأن من النساء نساء مذكرّات ومن الرجال رجال مؤنثين
- 1 Aris. Anim. III
الحوّاء al-ḥawwāʾ
n. ḥwy – the Snakecharmer, the Serpent Collector (name of the constellation Ophiuchus) (astr.) show/hide quotes-
Ptol. Almag. no. XIII: Stellatio afeichus et est alaugue id est effeminatus
Kuni.: كوكبة أفيوخس وهو الحواء
- 1 Ptol. Almag.
The Arabic term is not documented in Lisān, Freytag, Lane, Dozy and Wehr.
The Latin translator probably understood al-ḥawwāʾ as the name ḥawwāʾ ‘Eve’.