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Analytica (or: Aneletica) (pl.)
أنولوطيقا anūlūṭīqā
n. ʾnwlwṭyqā – Analytics (i.e. Prior Analytics by Aristotle or as part of Avicenna’s al-Šifāʾ) (philos.) show/hide quotes-
Avic. Met. 41, 79: Sed detectio huius maneriae in hoc est haec quia iam nosti in Analyticis
Marm. 28, 15: وأما كشف الحال فى ذلك فقد مرّ لك فى أنولوطيقا
Aver. MC Int. diff. IV, 104, 179: Sequitur illum liber Aneleticorum Priorum, qui est liber sillogismi
Butt. 125, 5: وسلم تسليما يتلوه تلخيص كتاب انالوطيقى الاول وهو كتاب القياس
- 1 Avic. Met.
- 1 Aver. MC Int.