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أبيبطرون abībiṭrūn (or: asṭrūn)
n. (vocalization uncertain) ʾbybṭrwn – epipetron (a kind of rock plant) (bot.) show/hide quotes-
Aris. Anim. II 681a23: sicut animalia quae exeunt ab arboribus quae dicuntur barneteoz, et dicuntur Graece astaroz
Kruk: مثل الحيوان الذى يخرج من الشجر الذى يسمى برناسوس وهو يسمى باليونانية ابيبطرون [var.: اسطرون]
- 1 Aris. Anim. II
The Arabic term is not documented in Lisān, Freytag, Lane, Dozy and Wehr.
< Arabic < Greek ἐπίπετρον. Van Oppenraaij 1998, 285–286 for a possible misunderstanding by the Latin translator. This sense of the Latin term is not documented in MLW, DMLBS and LLNMA.