


n. ʾqāqyāacacia (bot.)
  1. Albuzale Simp. §7.7: Acacia est propinqua nature mirte

    Laba.: الاقاقيا قريب من الآس في الطبع

  2. Albuzale Simp. §19.21: Acacia est frigida in primo, sicca in secundo

  1. 6 Albuzale Simp.
[ < Greek ἀκακία. See Freytag. Dietrich 1988, no. I 70. ]


n. qrāsyācherry (an Iberian variety of cherry) (bot.)
  1. Albuzale Simp. §3.12: Acacie sunt frigide et sicce in secundo gradu

    Laba.: القراسيا بارد يابس في الثانية

  1. 1 Albuzale Simp.

The Latin translator probably read aqāqiyā.

[ Dietrich 1988, no. I 84. ]

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