

n. wšyvariegated cloth, embroidered fabric
  1. Albu. Coni. tr. I, li. 465, version v, see fn. 47: Et si fuerit Mercurius, erunt vestimenta variata depicta, s. variis coloribus ornata aut alguasi et his similia

    Yama.: وإن كان عطارد فالوشي والإبريسم

  2. Albu. Coni. tr. IV, li. 142: et erit vincens super eos indumentum viride et vestimenta diversorum colorum et tincturarum sicut alguasi et his similia

  1. 2 Albu. Coni.

< Arabic al-wašy. The Latin term is not documented in MLW, DMLBS and LLNMA.

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