
جفت البلّوطǧift al-ballūṭ

genit. compound ǧft blṭinner shell of the acorn (bot.)
  1. Albuzale Simp. §16.27: Capulvencia vel bletes, id est cortex subtilis fructus, id est glandes quercus , frigide et sicce in secundo. Quando fit decoccio ex eis et sedetur in aqua illa, valet plagis intestinorum et valet fluxui antiquo

    Laba.: جفت البلّوط بارد يابس

  1. 1 Albuzale Simp.
[ Cf. Freytag s.v. ǧaft. GALex s.v. ballūṭun. ]

< Arabic ballūṭ. The Latin term does not appear in MLW, DMLBS and LLNMA. Cf. bellotae glans.

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