

n. ʿšw / ʿšydinner, supper
  1. Mesue Aph. A §22: post cenam et quando itur dormitum, dande sunt

  2. Mesue Aph. A §69: pillulis maioribus et post cenam eundo dormitum datis faciendum est

    Troup.: وسقيناه [sc. الدواء] بعد العشاء وعند النوم

  3. Mesue Aph. B §22: Medicinas accipere que caput purgant post cenam, cum dormiendi est tempus

  4. Mesue Aph. B §69: pillulas in quantitate magna et post cenam ante sompnum ministra

  1. 2 Mesue Aph. A
  2. 2 Mesue Aph. B

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